2011 Great Lakes Pet Expo

Mark your calendars for the 2011 Great Lake Pets Expo
Sat, Feb 5
10 am - 6 pm
Wisconsin Exposition Center at State Fair Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
$6.00 Adults / $3.00 Kids (Under 10)
Bring a can of food with you to receive $1.00 off of your admission price!! Proceeds to benefit the Hunger Task Force.
The Great Lakes Pet Exposition attracts people from throughout Wisconsin and Illinois.  Thousands of pet lovers flock to the exposition hall for an entire day of fun for the entire family. Sorry, No Pets Allowed excpet for exhibitor pets. For more details, visit: http://www.petexpomilwaukee.com/index.html.

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Deb Strzelecki on January 27, 2011 at 8:39 am

    This will be War Dogs 4th time at the Pet Expo. What a fantastic event! The ladies that put this together are beyond awesome. I can’t believe how they turn utter chaos into such a success. This has evolved into a destiny event in the Midwest. Where else can you have so much fun and learn so much for a $6 admission. Plus, this year, it just turns Super Bowl weekend into a fun holiday weekend for us in the Frozen Tundra. GO PACK!


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