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Residents for Off-leash Milwaukee Parks will have the responsibilty of performing all maintenance, improvement, and expansion of their Off-leash Dog Parks. Donations are appreciated.

Make checks payable to:
Residents for Off-leash Milwaukee Parks, Inc.

Send the checks to:
Residents for Off-leash Milwaukee Parks
2925 S Wentworth Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53207


Pick 'n Save We Care Program
Each time you shop at Pick 'n Save and use your Advantage Plus Savers Card, the non-profit organization you specify will receive a cash rebate which is distributed every three months. The amount of the rebate will be a percentage of the total amount of WE CARE dollars that Pick 'n Save has contributed. The more you use your card, the larger percentage of total WE CARE contribution your elected organizations will receive.

Please select Residents for Off-leash Milwaukee Parks as the charity of your choice right at the service counter in your favorite Pick’n Save store.

Our Program number is: 662635.


  © 2003 Residents for Off-leash Milwaukee Parks, Inc.